Green cactus; Red rock

Green cactus; Red rock
photo by Linda Hoffman Kimball

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Preparing for the Future

Preparing for the Future
by Linda Hoffman Kimball

Is the wilderness
Sharpening its ravenous claws
While I pack boxes?

In a month I will be in Utah
at our mountain home abutting the Uintah National Forest. I have spent my days this week sorting through the belongings we need to ship out there prior to arrival. We will live part of the year in and part of the year here. I don’t know how this will all work out logistically and emotionally. Thinking through this haiku tonight, I realize there’s something in me that is worried. Will I disappear out there? Will anyone notice the cougar licking her chops?

1 comment:

  1. One could debate the relative safety of Chicago environs vs Uintah, but I will come visit whichever wilderness you're in.
